Best Intolerance Test For You | Discover which Test | Allergy Test Ireland

The Best Intolerance Test

Discover the best intolerance test for you.

Best Intolerance Test. Understand which intolerance test to take.

Taking the decision to understand your possible intolerance symptoms is a big step forward to improving your health and wellness. There are numerous intolerance tests on the market, but how do you know which one is the best intolerance test for you?

Much of the confusion about intolerances and allergies can be cleared up by reviewing your symptoms, the speed at which they present and the severity. Allergies are significantly less common than intolerances as intolerances are more often linked to dietary issues.

Understanding your needs. Which intolerance test is best for me?

Is the best test an allergy or intolerance test?

Review the common questions in this article to help guide your decision process. If you need any further help, contact our 24/7 Livechat team.

Are your symptoms presenting immediately?

Suffering from immediate or acute symptoms it is more likely a sign that you have an allergy. If you are suffering from extreme reactions such as loss of consciousness, breathing difficulties, tightness of airways or most seriously anaphylaxis you should not delaying in referring to a medical practicioner.

Are your symptoms digestion related?

Many food intolerances present digestive issues such as bloating, loose stools, diarrhoea or IBS as symptoms. Our most accurate tests are the IgG4 intolerance tests that use a small sample of your blood. However, if you have previously exhausted conventional testing or are looking for possible sensitivities we would suggest trying our Bioresonance Sensitivity Tests followed by the 30 day aftercare programme.

Do your symptoms build up slowly over a period of time?

Intolerances usually present during a delayed period of time or slowly and are usually less severe than allergy symptoms. The slower symptoms or less common can be signs of a food sensitivity. We would therefore suggest a smaller intolerance test of the most common intolerances or a bioresonance sensitivity test.

Do you suffer from visible inflammation?

Rapid inflammation after contact with a trigger item is usually a sign of an allergy as this is the body’s immune response. Severe inflammation can be dangerous and if this has or does occur you should contact your medical practitioner. We would only recommend using a home-to-lab allergy test if you have exhausted investigations with a medical practicioner.

Do symptoms occur from food consume regularly?

Intolerances and sensitivities can occur around foods that are in the diet regularly. It is the body’s way of telling you that there is an over consumptopm of the food group. Both our Intolerance tests and bioresonance tests can help you investigate this further.

Are symptoms from non-food items?

Allergies, intolerances and sensitivities can occur from non-food items in the living or outside environment. If the reaction is more severe and fast acting it is more likely to be an allergy, if symptoms occur slowly and less severe it is more likely to be an intolerance. An Allergy test is the best first step to determine if it could be a common environmental allergy such as hayfever or dustmite allergy. If these tests do not provide a result to your investigation we would suggest a bioresonance sensitivity test to widen the possible items.

Allergy & Intolerance Tests

Our most accurate home-to-lab allergy and intolerance test from a small finger-prick blood testing kit delivered to your door.

Sensitivity Tests

Send us a small hair sample and within 7 working days, you'll have your comprehensive report identifying trigger items.


Simple tests for understanding your body quickly with these concise tests. Knowledge is power with these easy to use tests.