Allergy or Intolerance | Understanding your symptoms | Allergy Test Ireland

Our bodies are strange, even at the best of times. We often think we are in control when we actually are not. This is often the result of either an allergy or food intolerance. But did you know there was actually a difference between an allergy or intolerance? Even though the terms are often used interchangeably, this is incorrect. Allergies are life-threatening, intolerances are not.

Unlike a food allergy, food intolerances will not make you feel like you can’t breathe or give you a rash, they will affect your stomach more than anything else. If you are wondering whether you have an allergy or intolerance then we can definitely help you.

A food intolerance is when the body reacts in a negative way when exposed to certain items, and will cause symptoms like headaches, diarrhoea and constipation. If it is a food allergy, the symptoms will be a lot worse and will affect your physical appearances like skin rashes and nausea.

Allergy or Intolerance

But what is a food intolerance? This is when the body’s inability to digest an item properly. it does not always have to be a food, as there are non-food items which also cause your symptoms. Symptoms can occur due to a number of reasons. The best thing to do is identify what items are triggering your symptoms, which you can find out with an intolerance test. There are a lot of food intolerances get misdiagnosed as a mild food allergy, or they get missed entirely because they are attributed to other common health issues. Sometimes intolerance testing can be more beneficial because it can help to rule out an intolerance rather than an allergy.


An allergy takes place when your body sees a certain food as attacking the body. The body then retaliates, resulting in a physical reaction as it fights. Allergies can range from mild to severe.  Common symptoms include rashes, shortness of breath, flushing, hives, and, of course, the dreaded anaphylactic shock that is so common with allergies such as nuts or soy.

Most severe allergies are present at birth but can develop at a later age as well.  Allergies can also vary in terms of their type when exposed to the allergen.  That is, what may be a simply annoying case of hives or itchy eyes and a runny nose one time, maybe shortness of breath and sneezing fit the next time.  Allergies are not always the same severity and should be taken seriously in terms of avoidance.


An intolerance is when your body is simply unable to process something that comes into it. While it doesn’t attack the “intruder” in your body, it does react to it.  This reaction’s severity depends on how much of the food that you have.  The less you have, the smaller the reaction.

Common symptoms include fatigue (especially after eating), a bloated stomach, heartburn, headaches (even migraines) and diarrhoea.  With proper intolerance testing, you can figure out what the trigger food is and avoid it as well as monitor how much causes a reaction so that you can continue eating it in small amounts if preferred.  Common intolerances include wheat intolerance, gluten intolerance and lactose intolerance.

While allergies tend to get all of the fame and glory, understanding the role a food intolerance can play in your life, as well as making sure that you are aware of it and can avoid it, is just as important.  When you want to get rid of those strange mystery symptoms and generally feel better and healthier.  Whether you knew you needed it or not, grab that test and see for yourself just what the results are.

Find out more about intolerance testing and getting your own allergy test right here with Allergy Test Ireland. We will help you along the way and help you perform your perfect elimination diet.