Common Symptoms Archives - Allergy Test Ireland

Category: Common Symptoms

Why do I have a Bloated Stomach?

Why do you have a Bloated Stomach? Could it be because of your foods? Having a bloated stomach can be painful, distressing and just plain annoying. It is a symptom that can appear at any point and any time and could be the result of a food intolerance. A bloated stomach is also known as […]

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5 Wheat Allergy Symptoms You Might Be Missing

When we think of allergies, we think of the suddenly appearing rash, the gasping, and the fainting that we expect from watching too many movies or TV shows. This is true for some people, of course, but there are milder symptoms that can be missed completely and causing you harm and damage without even realizing it. […]

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3 Foods That Can Help Cure a Bloated Stomach

Living with a bloated stomach is no fun, especially if you have things to do and places to go. Looking for a cure that will make that excess bloat just disappear? There are quite a few options out there that can offer you just that. We’ve chosen three of the best options and listed them […]

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What Are The Symptoms Of Food Intolerance?

More and more people are becoming aware of their food intolerances. They’re also taking them a lot more seriously, checking out menus at restaurants before they visit, looking at the nutritional information on the back of the packaging. People’s awareness is making manufacturers and restaurant owners take steps to make their foods more suitable for […]

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IBS Diet: Suitable For All?

You. The person to your left. The person to your right. The person in front of you. Pretty much everyone you have ever come into contact with has, at some point in time, undertaken a diet of some form. In the unrelenting quest for our dream bodies or improved health, we’ll try just about anything […]

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Deflate your bloated stomach NOW

“Congratulations, when is it due?” Always a lovely sentiment.  Unless, well, you’re not pregnant.  The apparent baby in your stomach is just yet another day spent dealing with a mysterious and embarrassingly bloated stomach.   Bloating is an awkward symptom to experience. Not only does it make you feel like you need to hide your […]

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Can Allergy Testing Help My Asthma?

To anyone unfamiliar with the world of allergies, there is no clear connection between allergies and asthma. However, there is a strong and trusted connection between the two. Depending on your point of view, this could be either a good or a bad thing. Regardless of how you look at it, allergy testing can help asthma […]

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