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Category: Allergies

When is it Time to Test for Allergies? 

All of us are different; an oversimplified statement, but true. Our bodies respond to everything in a completely different way, and that includes food. This is why some people have allergies — even if neither of their biological parents do — and others are totally fine with anything and everything related to food and its […]

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Reasons you should take a test for allergies TODAY.

They make you sneeze. That is the extent of a lot of peoples knowledge of allergies. But there is a raft of symptoms you can suffer from hundreds of different allergies, some of which can be incredibly dangerous.  You could be living with an allergy symptom that is making your life miserable and not even […]

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Different Allergy Testing Methods

No one ever wants to find out that they’re dealing with a food allergy. Whether it’s a mild one that just causes stomach upset or a severe one that could potentially block breathing, an allergy is an allergy, and these are always serious. Just as serious as the allergy itself is the ways to test […]

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Do Antihistamines Affect Allergy Tests?

Gearing yourself up to take an allergy test means that you have to approach two things: the test and its results. If you are feeling nervous about the allergy test itself, it can be helpful to educate yourself on the test with its process and what to expect. However, even the average person has to […]

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Are antibodies produced in an allergic reaction?

When people are suffering an allergic reaction, Immunoglobin (IgE) are antibodies which are produced by the immune system. But, if you are having an allergic reaction, your immune system overreacts to a food or non-food items which are not necessarily harmful. The body perceives this innocent item as harmful. The IgE antibodies then travel to […]

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The benefits of allergy testing

Food allergy testing has never been more crucial and pivotal to the health of several people around the world. There are foods which are being combined on a regular basis, but there is always something new. For many people around the world, our bodies may not have adapted to these new foods, and so it is […]

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3 typical ways to cope with your allergies

Allergy Test has provided 3 typical ways to cope with your allergies which you may have learned that you are now suffering from: Clean – Take a shower Showering may already be a part of your daily routine, but it is even more important if you have an allergy. If you have a pollen allergy […]

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