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Category: Allergies

Why you should consider blood allergy testing!

Yes, you read that right! Blood spot allergy testing is better than ever before and you can order yours from Allergy Test Ireland today. Our expert lab technicians have been working around the clock to improve your customer journey and help you get to the bottom of your allergies! What do the Choice70 and Prime110 […]

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Prepare for when Hay Fever season arrives

If you’ve got hay fever, you’ve probably got a pollen intolerance or pollen allergy and this means that you cannot be around pollen. So, if you’ve noticed your eyes itching, your nose starts to run or you need to sneeze, then it could be because of hay fever! If you do have a pollen allergy […]

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Millennials most likely to report having food allergies

Research has suggested that millennials are more likely to report that they are suffering from a food allergy or intolerance than any other generation. People nowadays generally agree (rough figure placed at 60%) that food manufacturers have been doing a much better job of labelling their packaging with potential food allergens.  Being careful about what you […]

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What are Ireland’s most common allergies?

Ireland’s most common food allergies include peanuts, milk, and eggs, as well as wheat and fish! Yep, that’s right, the ingredients that are everywhere! Food sensitivities have never been more common, and the effects are obvious! There is though, a difference between a food allergy and food intolerance or sensitivity, despite the terms being used […]

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Does Alcohol Worsen Allergies?

There is a long-held theory that alcohol actually helps people deal and cope with their intolerances. This is not true and we do not recommend that you try it. So, if you have been sniffling, sneezing and struggling through allergy season this year, then there are many other potential remedies. If you suspect that the […]

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Inside Autumn Allergies

Yaaaay, Summer is over! Let’s rejoice as it means the end of allergy season! – Wrong. With Autumn just around the corner, you have not quite escaped the wrath of pollen and other allergens! Those itchy eyes, headaches, runny noses and constant sneezing by both you and your work colleagues are not over just yet […]

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