Did you know that today is the first official day of Spring? That means lighter nights and trees filled with blossom are on the horizon! For some, that might also mean you need to stock up on the antihistamine tablets to stop the pollen from affecting your day to day life. Pollen count is at […]
Category: Allergies
Hay Fever: Allergy Test Ireland explores the myths
With Ireland experiencing a heatwave, pollen levels are increasing and it is affecting most of the population. Have you dosed up on antihistamines and still are not feeling any better? Well, the myth busters here at Allergy Test Ireland are here to help. Here are 4 reasons why your methods to stop Hay Fever are […]
Pollen is not the problem
Summer is finally here, which means picnics in the park and long walks in the countryside. However, for some people this may mean dosing up on antihistamines and avoiding the pollen filled air at any cost. Have you ever heard someone say that they have developed seasonal allergies suddenly one year when they have never […]
Three things to look for when identifying allergies
Allergies. They are annoying, and they are always present when we really don’t want them to be. Usually, just before a big birthday milestone, a wedding or a Christmas work do. It is just typical, isn’t it? We don’t want this happening, especially as Summer has arrived. Potential solutions include allergy testing, which is now […]
Dust yourself down and enjoy the Summer you deserve
Summer is here and it is all everyone can talk about. Everyone is making plans, meeting up for World Cup barbecues, chilling out on the green in the local village and just chatting away with friends. Some of us though, despite looking forward to these moments, are also wary of what can happen. To settle […]
How to gain control of your allergies
“I cannot stop sniffing; my eyes keep watering and I’ve gone through a whole pack of tissues.” Ah, this sounds you like have an allergy to something. With Summer having arrived, this could be hay fever. It could also be a food allergy. For many of us, this is annoying, but we can find out […]