Common Food Intolerances & Allergies - Allergy Test Ireland

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Food intolerances and allergies are becoming more and more common. Whether this is due to more people having them or better identification isn’t certain. What is certain, however, is that knowing your allergies and intolerances can be a gamechanger when it comes to understanding your body and how to achieve better health. But are there certain foods that are particularly common allergens or intolerants? In a word, yes. Here are some of the more common allergies and intolerances that you could be living with and not even know.wheat allergy


If you’re living with a wheat intolerance, you’re far from alone. In Ireland, it is believed one in every 100 people have been diagnosed with some form of wheat intolerance and, that, for every one person diagnosed, there may be another 5 or 6 who haven’t. So if you’re living with a wheat intolerance, you’re more likely NOT to know about it than you are to know about it. The best way to find out is by taking an allergy and intolerance test which will test you against the most common allergies and intolerances and compile yours into a report to help you plan for your new, healthier life.

peanut yeast allergyPeanut

One of the most famous allergies due to the severity of its symptoms, a peanut allergy can be potentially fatal if left undiagnosed. Anaphylaxis is a condition which is caused by allergies and leads to a narrowing of the airways which can close them off entirely leading to suffocation. For some people, being in the same room as a peanut can trigger this reaction, and so it is essential to know if this is affecting you.

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A yeast allergy can cause symptoms, including stomach pain of varying pain levels, excess gas which can lead to bloating and skin irritation. When you have a yeast allergy, you have to be careful around a whole variety of foods including bread, cheese, gravy and alcohol. This can be incredibly restrictive, but the symptoms make it crucial to be aware of a potential yeast allergy. You can find yours with an allergy and intolerance test.


Probably slightly ahead of peanuts as the most well-known allergen, hayfever is incredibly common and can develop at any point during your life. So while you may not have been born with it, you can get it at any time. Fortunately, there is a treatment in place to minimise the effects of hayfever in the form of antihistamines. You can identify your pollen allergy with one of our tests.