Chat with us, powered by LiveChat Dairy intolerances are everywhere. Here's how to cope.

This is Ireland. Dairy is everywhere, on the streets, in the house, in every restaurant. This is exciting for some of us and hard for others. This is because many of us suffer from dairy intolerances.

What is a dairy intolerance? We can hear many of you ask, panicking with worry, wondering if you have the same. Well, we are here to put your mind at rest, and also help you learn about dairy intolerances.

Simply put, it means our body can only tolerate a certain amount of dairy. This could range from the smallest spoonful to a whole carton of milk. It could range from the tiniest bite to the biggest lump of cheese. Luckily, we can work this out and put our mind at rest.

At Allergy Test Ireland, we want you to be able to walk down the streets of Dublin, Galway and Limerick, knowing exactly which ingredients you can eat. Take a look around if you would like to discover if you have a dairy intolerance. It could be the new you!

It is important to note that having dairy intolerances and symptoms could simply mean you may not be allowed too much dairy. It is different from living with a life-threatening dairy allergy. However, it can still be painful, annoying and something we should be aware of.

As noted earlier, it is hard for some of us with a dairy intolerance or allergy, as it is everywhere. For those of us who live on our own and have control of our own spaces, this means we can simply avoid anything with dairy. Taking a look at the ingredients, our living space can be dairy-free. You may also have super nice friends and family who keep their houses free of dairy or at least hide it away. This can make living with dairy intolerances much more manageable, and subsequently our lives much more exciting, and less stressful!

Some key tips to making the most of your dairy intolerance are to keep everyone updated, informed and aware of potential issues. You don’t want to be the bore who goes on constantly about your dairy intolerance or allergy, but it is important. Some of the symptoms are manageable and noticeable, some are not and can be embarrassing. Let everyone know so that you are not put in an uncomfortable position.

Lastly, if the circumstances arise where your symptoms flare up, everyone needs to know what to do! Don’t be embarrassed, just tell them! They’re your friends and family for a reason, so let us get out there and capitalise on our newfound awareness. Living with a dairy intolerance can be awkward, but also manageable.

If you want to know more, head over to and take a look around.