What They Don’t Tell You About Going Gluten-Free - Allergy Test Ireland

When you make a change in your diet, you know to expect a few shifts as you adjust. After all, your body is organic, and it needs time to make the changes alongside you. Once you settle in, however, that should be that. Often, this is not the case. When people make the decision to go gluten-free, for example, they do some research and may even get the recommendations from professionals, but very rarely do they get a full picture about the change before taking it on. To help you get a bit more detail on what the full picture entails, here are some small details that you should know about living gluten-free. 

Little-known tips about living gluten-free

  • Products are often high calories and low of fibre: Products that have had gluten removed from them don’t exactly substitute anything else in to replace it. That’s why these products are going to be low on fibre content. You can get a few options that are fortified with fibre, but otherwise, you’ll have to look elsewhere for it. On that same note, these foods are also high in calories, so you’ll find that you are going over your daily total much more than before you made the switch.
  • You’ll need to monitor your fibre content closely: Since your main sources of fibre just got cut down, you’ll want to keep a very close eye on how much fibre you are actually taking in. Since you are still required to meet your daily totals for your health, you may need to do some digging to figure out how to keep your total up to where it should be.
  • Your weight will creep up: With high calorie and low-fibre eating comes weight gain. When you switch to this diet, your weight is going to pop up. It’s important that you are ready for that and that you add in more exercise as well as gluten-friendly healthy snacks to help keep it under control. 

Don’t ignore your doctor

Even after reading this, you still may be interested in going gluten-free. Before you take that step, however, it’s important to take a look at what you’re doing it. Do you have a gluten intolerance that is confirmed through an intolerance test? Have you been diagnosed with coeliac disease? If so, these are steps you now have to take. If not, however, you may want to consider. Most medical professionals will tell you that cutting out gluten is not recommended unless you have no other choice. It isn’t said to be effective for healthier eating or slimming down, so there is no general health benefit to cutting out this fibre-rich food ingredient. 

At the end of the day, you are the only one you can decide what’s best for you and your body. If cutting out gluten is what feels right for you, then you can take the necessary steps to do it. Use these uncommon tips above to help make it easier and remember that your body is going to want to adjust to your new expectations too. Give it time!