Food Allergens | Millenials more likely to report Food Intolerances | Allergy Test Ireland | Blog

Research has suggested that millennials are more likely to report that they are suffering from a food allergy or intolerance than any other generation. People nowadays generally agree (rough figure placed at 60%) that food manufacturers have been doing a much better job of labelling their packaging with potential food allergens. 

Being careful about what you are eating

Many people do not spend too much time fretting about what ingredients are in their food, but they should be. This is because anything can be a potential food allergen or an item which causes food intolerance symptoms. Many individuals who have always been dealing with their allergies are always careful about what they eat and where they eat. The most common food allergens detailed over in America include peanuts and eggs. In Ireland, we tend to love an Irish stew, whiskey, and Guinness! It is important that you make sure that you do not have an allergy or intolerance to any of these items, so be careful when consuming these items.

Food allergens are becoming more common

According to a report, the younger generation is more likely to report food allergies and look for potential food allergens than the older generation. Of course, it is important that you are able to identify the difference between food allergies and intolerances, which you can do here.

Reading the Ingredients carefully

If you are suffering from a food allergy or a food intolerance then it is vital that you know everything that is going into your meals. WIth technology meaning that foods are added into almost all meals now, there may be some surprises, and so please when doing your shopping, or when you are out to eat, please read the ingredients and items carefully in order to avoid potential food allergens.

To find out which foods you need to avoid, you can order a food intolerance test from Allergy Test Ireland. Identifying your food intolerances earlier rather than later will mean that you avoid the potential causes of intolerance symptoms and will not suffer for as long. If you suspect that you have a food allergy then you need to consult your Doctor immediately for advice on how to avoid food allergens and try to manage your symptoms.