Food Allergy Testing: The Do's and Dont's when travelling abroad.

Have you just secured your dream job? Yes. Are you relocating? Yes. Are you relocating abroad? Yes. Are you looking to forward to experiencing a new culture? No? Oh, why not? Are you worried about the new foods you will have to try? Yes, well, the team at Allergy Test are delighted to try and help you out with our extensive food allergy testing opportunities.

  • Different foods have different results

When moving abroad, it is important to be aware that different foods will have different effects on you and your body. Making you feel mentally and physically fatigued, a food allergy is something we should take very seriously. It is well-known that there are many varieties of foods which do not have a positive effect on our body. What we must remember is that our favourite meal may be cooked differently in a different country, so beware and do your research.

  • Learn phrases

Continuing in the vein of research, if you do have a food allergy then please learn the key phrases that may need to be used in case of an allergic reaction. Also, if you learn that a particular item is increasingly common in your new country, take a food allergy test to see what you can handle.

  • Embrace the lifestyle, but do be careful

Everybody wants to fit in. Whether it be in a new country in a new place of work, or just with our friends. Don’t be silly though. Just because everyone is eating seafood or wheat-based foods, don’t eat it just to fit in. Is everybody talking about the world cup and wanting to have parties whilst watching the games? Then by all means go and have fun! Don’t, however, tuck into a burger if you know you are allergic to its ingredients. Want to know for sure? Take a food allergy test.

  • Sensitivity Test Plus technology

You’ve probably heard this one before but please do watch out. With food technology developing all the time, there are plenty of hidden ingredients in foods which you may be allergic to. If you don’t fully understand the language yet, then consider cooking from home. Subsequently, with all the new food additives that are being developed, now more than ever is the best time to take a food allergy test.

  • Talk to the experts

If you are seeing common symptoms and are worried about a potential food allergy before you go away, talk to a doctor. They may find there are reasons other than a food allergy which you should watch out for when abroad. If you are still unsure, we at Allergy Test are always willing to help. Providing you with options and advice, our customer satisfaction rate is impressive and we encourage you to check us out if you are considering food allergy testing.

  • The future’s bright, the future is yours

Essentially, being aware of what we can and what we cannot put into our body means we can plan for the future and move into the future with a clear mind. Nothing helps you settle in more than confidence, and that first event will be one of the most enjoyable.

Remember, if you are still wondering about food allergy testing, our Customer Service Advisors are always happy to help, so please do head over to and feel free to have a chat.