How To Test For Allergies - Allergy Test Ireland

With the popularity of the internet, it feels as though everything is right at our fingertips: information, media, contact, purchases. Some are more reputable than others, and it means that you’ll often have to put more effort into online research when it comes to deciding whether or not to purchase something. Perhaps this is the approach you’re taking when it comes to a test for allergies. You want professionalism, accuracy, and a history of success, right? Well, you’ve come to the right place.

The right test for allergies

Access to the right test and, most importantly, the right results has never been easier than through our own test for allergies. But, we don’t expect you to take our word for it. Here is everything you should understand what goes into making us the right allergy test option:

  • A kit is mailed directly to you: This test is done from home, including the actual testing process itself. You simply request a kit, and it is sent to you directly so that you don’t need to go out of your way to get it.
  • Pinprick set is easy to use and virtually pain-free: The blood sample pinprick kit is easy to use and comes with detailed, helpful instructions to make sure you understand how to do it accurately. It is also virtually pain-free, which is always a plus with a medical test, particularly if you’re looking at allergy testing for your child.
  • Samples are sent to the lab: The results are sent to an ISO 9001 certified lab and carefully tested against hundreds of potential allergens to give you diverse and accurate results that will actually be helpful when you receive them.
  • You receive results quickly: Within 10 days of receiving the sample, your detailed results will be emailed directly to you. This is often much faster than going into a doctor’s office for the same test. If you are dealing with frequent, severe allergic reactions, this can be a weight lifted off your shoulders.
  • Access to all of the information you need: Along with the results that you can download, you’ll also get a guide on an elimination diet and other tips to help you move your life forward with the new information that this test brings.

Professionalism shows

There are quite a few options out there that will test for allergies. We understand that you have to do your research to figure out which one is going to be right for you. However, professionalism is going to make all of the difference when it comes to getting results that will be clear and precise. Better yet, you’ll also have additional information personalized to you and your results that will help you enjoy a better, healthier quality of life that is going to be as allergen-free as possible. 

You deserve to have a test for allergies that is going to be minimally disruptive, professional, and accurate. When you rely on a blood sample test for your testing method, you’ll get all of those details and more.